Today was a time with a lot of free time. A lot of participants could really use that after our night at DTU. Some however joined the amazing city tour by Michalis. The weather today was not in our favor, some umbrellas did not survive the day sadly.
We started our tour to the Royal Danish Library where we saw multiple books and we saw a typical old library with the green lights. We saw old books written by Danish people. They are on their way to digitalising as much written works as possible, which ranges from scientific works, to romance novels, to Tintin. On our way we also saw the war museum where a lot of canons were displayed.
Then this group went to Christiansborg palace. Here we saw the royal reception rooms where a lot of modern art tapestry could be found. We saw the ruins of when they dug up the old palace. We visited the Royal kitchen where we could smell all the spices.
Then we visited the “Ronde Toren”, which showed a super nice view of Copenhagen, normally you would have been able to up until Sweden, with the current weather we weren’t even able to see until the city limits of Copenhagen.
Some other groups visited the harbor where they saw the famous tourist spot Nyhavn.
Some even went to the anarchist town of Copenhagen which is a free state. We sadly cant show you any pictures of this.
At 3 o clock we left for Amager where we were visiting the most environmentally friendly Waste to power-heat plant. We however were way to early so we decided to walk up all the stairs to see the tourist attraction a top the building at 85 meter above sea level. The plant has a skiing slope on top of it. They presented us with all the facts about the current waste in Denmark. They showed us all the innovations they apply in their plant. After this we had to put on hyvis and safety helmets to join a tour throughout the facility where we saw the whole process from coming in with the trucks to capturing the CO2 in the purified air coming out of the plant.
Then everyone had time to go pick out a nice dinner and to go “Echt slapen” instead of the “Echt zuipen” of the last couple days.